Thursday, January 6, 2011

Green Onion Experiment - Day 1

On one of the many random and interesting blogs I have encountered recently, I learned that you can basically reuse green onions.  Did you know that?  I didn't.   See what this blog says about it here. Also check out the thing about vinegar while you're at it.

So, naturally, I have to try it out. We had pineapple chicken quesadillas last night (not to brag or anything) so I used the green onions from that. You just cut from the top green parts, and leave a little bit of green above the white bulb. This is day 1. Well, I started them last night so it's more like the morning after night 1, but I promise, they look the same this morning as when I put them in there.

Stay tuned.


  1. Excited to see if it actually works! Who knew???

  2. The experiment is no longer. It was working -- I could tell the tops were growing again, but dinner called, and I needed to use the onions.

    Next time...
